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Kennedy Dells Park

New City

Rockland County

10956, New City, NY, History, Wildlife, White-tailed Deer, Red Fox, Gray Squirrel, Flying Squirrel, Things to Do at Kennedy Dells Park, Picnicking, Playing field for soccer, Winter Activities, Cross-country Skiing, Snowshoeing Kennedy Dells Park

Kennedy Dells Park, 179-acres in size, is located at 355 North Main Street, New City, NY 10956 in Rockland County.

The park has a flat rolling topography. The extreme westerly portion is heavily wooded consisting of Hemlock, White Pine, Beech, Maple, Black and Red Oak, White Ash, and Black Locust. Crum Creek bounds the Park on the westerly side along which winds a hiking trail that looks down at the stream below.

A Bit of History
"The park was owned in the early part of the century by the well-known movie producer Adolph Zukor. New City was at one time to be the Hollywood of the east. Remains of the bridge across Crum Creek to the teahouse still exist. 80 acres purchased 1969; 97 acres added 1975."

White-tailed Deer, Red Fox, Gray Squirrel, Flying Squirrel, Rabbit, Woodchuck, Raccoon, Porcupine, Opossum, Bluebirds, Geese, Ducks, Screech Owl, Barred Owl, Turkey Vulture, Wild Turkeys, Red-tailed Hawk, Marsh Hawk, Great Blue Heron, Hooded Merganser, Black Duck, Wood Duck, Grouse, Woodcock, Black Rat Snake, Copperhead, Rattlesnake, Watersnake, Hog Nosed Snake.

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Things to Do at Kennedy Dells Park
Guided tours available by Park Rangers
Hiking Trails
Horse corral
Nature study
Picnicking *
Playing field for soccer
Rest rooms *
    Winter Activities
    Cross-country Skiing

Wheelchair Accessible*
Accessible indicates that, to the extent possible, this facility or activity meets the Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility standards. It is strongly recommended that you contact the facility in advance for a full description of facilities.

Location: New City

Snowshoeing | New City Cross-Country Skiing | Rockland Snowshoeing | Hudson Valley
Horseback Riding | New City Equestrian Facilities | Rockland Horseback Riding | Hudson Valley
Places To Hike | New City Hiking Trails | Rockland Places To Hike | Hudson Valley
Outings for Kids | New City Nature Hikes | Rockland Outings for Kids | Hudson Valley
Local and State | New City Parks | Rockland Local and State | Hudson Valley
Picnic | New City Picnicking | Rockland Picnic | Hudson Valley
Playing Fields | New City Playing Fields | Rockland Playing Fields | Hudson Valley
Winter Sports | New City Winter Activities | Rockland Winter Sports | Hudson Valley
Wheelchair Accessible | New City Wheelchair Accessible | Rockland Wheelchair Accessible | Hudson Valley

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